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Zoe Li


Zoe Li is a Ph.D. candidate in marketing at the University of Missouri. Her research interests include sales and service interactions, data privacy, and healthcare services. For methods, she does text analysis, econometric models, and experiments. She uses Python, R, Stata, and Linux for data analysis.

Prior to her Ph.D. journey, she received her master's degree in international business from University of Liverpool and a bachelor’s degree in English from Tianjin University of Technology. She worked as a visa assistant at the U.S. consulate in Shanghai for four years, as a visa assistant at the British embassy in Beijing for five months, and as an account manager in the private sector for two years.

Six years of work experience interacting with customers in the public and private sectors helped her develop research interests and ideas. She also enjoys staying updated on news related to business, health, science, and technology to generate research ideas. In her spare time, Zoe enjoys hiking and cooking.

Contact information

Zoe Li
University of Missouri​​​​​​​